Five good books to begin a journey with imagination.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Ground You Stand on

The Ground You Stand on

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Link to a story at end of post. If you have ever been fired from a job you will want to read this. I know how it feels, but this story isn't necessarily about me. However, it comes so close that I just had to post it. I have been so lucky when it comes to jobs. Believe it or not, one time I was let go by a company because I gave blood to the bloodmobile parked out in the parking lot. I was in a training program and for some reason, it showed that I had other interests other than my class, even though I was on my own time when it happened. When I was let go from that training program, the executive of a large Chicago company snatched me up, it happened so fast, it made my head swim. His company installed me as Plant Manager of one of their newest divisions. Another time, I filled in as a substitute for someone who was out sick, I ended up with the company in a much better position at about twenty percent more pay than the job I substituted for. I have always been amazed that no matter how hard i try not to have a job, there is always one waiting. If anyone would ask me; I would have to say my work-life has been preordained. You might call it lucky, but somehow, someway there is always a Saint looking out for me. I have been writing for over thirty years with a total of 25 books and more than two-hundred published articles. If anyone had asked me fifty years ago to write a five hundred page paper, I wouldn't have even considered it. Now, with the computer, spell check, grammar check and access to all sorts of publishing tools, I go after it with a smile on my face. Dr Robert E McGinnis found with almost every search engine in the world. Do a search, you will see.